Liderazgo y Gestión Universitaria

Consejo Superior

El Consejo Superior es el organismo colegiado de mayor jerarquía, y el órgano encargado de sancionar las políticas y orientaciones generales de la Universidad, aprobar o rechazar materias relevantes de la gestión institucional, controlar y validar la gestión del Rector, resguardando la situación financiera y patrimonial de la Universidad.

Consejo Universitario

El Consejo Universitario es el segundo cuerpo colegiado del Gobierno universitario. Se estructura bajo dos comisiones técnicas: la Unidad Académica y la Unidad Económica. Está integrado por el Rector, los Vicerrectores, los Directores de Departamentos Académicos y por representantes de los Estudiantes y del Personal No Académico.


La máxima autoridad institucional unipersonal, el Rector, es elegido democráticamente por el cuerpo académico de la Universidad cada cuatro años y ratificado por el Presidente de la República.

Entre otras responsabilidades, el Rector es el representante legal y debe adoptar todas las medidas conducentes a la dirección y gestión de la Universidad. Una de sus facultades es nombrar y remover autoridades superiores unipersonales, directores de departamentos y demás funcionarios universitarios.

Vicerrectoría Académica

The Academic Vice-presidency is in charge of academic management of the University, consolidating its programs and strengthening substantive functions of Undergraduate Teaching and Technological Training, in order to guaranty training of integral professionals, highly qualified in the different knowledge fields to favor productive development and general society, in accordance with requirements given its regional character.

Administrative and Finance Vice-president

The Administrative and Finance Vice-presidency is in charge of economic and administrative management of the University, establishing strategic guidelines, proposing policies in economic, financial and administrative issues, directing management in specific areas, in coherence with the challenges of University Government, strategic plan and institutional needs.

Research and Postgraduate Vice-president

This vice-presidency is in charge of elaborate, implement and evaluate university policies about research and postgraduate, through which the institution boosts, in a substantive and decisional way, the scientific activity on its basic and applied dimensions. The Vice-presidency of Research and Postgraduate acts integrally and coordinated, articulating the fields of research, postgraduate and international relations. It is an organism directly dependent on the Presidency and counts with an organizational structure which aims to give integral answers to inherent activities of research and postgraduate studies.

Planning and Development Vice-president

It is in charge of defining strategic guidelines of planning and management in the University, implementing a process destined to generate a culture of quality, deploying plans in every direction and academic units of the University Government and evaluating its accomplishment according to priorities and objectives established on the Institutional Development Strategic Plan.

General Secretary
Plan, propose, direct and evaluate academic and administrative matters, boosting policies, plans and programs that are considered necessary to achieve goals entrusted to Universidad de Los Lagos.

International Affairs Direction
Guides its action at institutional, national and international level in order to achieve international quality standards; strengthen training dimension of undergraduate and postgraduate; research function and knowledge transferring; innovation and entrepreneurship; University outreach and accreditation processes.